Beware of Clogged-Drain Dangers

A clogged drain is more than an inconvenience that you might need to hire a plumber to fix. You might find yourself buying a drain snake to clear a clogged drain or frequently using a plunger to clear clogged drains. The more you have to use the plunger, the more you need to consider the potentially detrimental effects of a clogged drain.

A clogged drain could pose a danger to your health and home. It is easy to overlook all that drains do beyond letting water flow from one point to another after you use it. Following some basic tips for keeping kitchen drain clear can help to stop drains from getting clogged. Knowing the potential dangers of clogged drains can help you to take clog prevention more seriously. Here is a close look at several common dangers that clogged drains could create.

Contaminated Water

Standing water that also contains waste stagnates and promotes the growth of bacteria that contaminates your water. Instead of flowing to a septic tank or municipal sewage system to be cleaned and decontaminated, the water can back up inside your home because of the clogged drain. That contaminated water might mix with your home’s water supply or find its way into plumbing lines that deliver clean water to your home. Any bacteria and waste in your water lines could cause you to use and drink contaminated water that might cause illness.

Bad Odors

Whenever you have a drain that emits a foul odor, bacteria usually is the cause. The odor also could come from waste products, which can accelerate the growth of bacteria. The cause often is hair buildup in bathroom sinks, waste in toilets, and food in kitchen sinks. There are many things that you don’t put in a drain, like grease, eggshells, and others that commonly cause clogs. Bad odors coming from drains make it unpleasant to bear near the clogged drains and could travel to other parts of your home. The odors could be embarrassing if you have guests and might even cause illness.

Leaking Plumbing

A clogged drain might compromise the effectiveness of the plumbing inside your home. When the water backs up, some of the plumbing could start to leak. You might see pipes that connect to sinks, the bathtub, or the garbage disposal started leaking water. Garbage disposals in particular can overflow and cause water that contains bacteria and partly decomposed food to create a mess that you need to clean right away.

Damage to Your Home’s Structure

It likely is hard for you to imagine how a clogged drain might cause structural damage to your home, but it could happen. When a water backup causes leaks beneath a sink, a bathtub, or a toilet, it can weaken the flooring structure. Saturated wood can weaken and rot if left ignored. Eventually, that support structure might fail and lead to even more damage due to the weight of the tub, toilet, or sink.

Breeding Ground for Pests

Stagnant water inside a clogged drain is an ideal breeding ground for many types of pests. Cockroaches, flies, and even mosquitoes might turn stagnant water into a breeding ground for more pests inside your home. The water might contain waste or decomposing food products that serve as nourishment for many types of pests and enable them to reproduce. The longer that a drain stays clogged, the more likely it is that pests could turn it into a breeding ground and infest your home. An infestation also might endanger your health and that of your family members.

Whenever clogged drains become frequent or seem impossible to clear, you should contact a local known and trusted plumbing service to clear the clog and make any necessary improvements to prevent it from happening again.


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