A Definitive Guide to Prepare for IAS
Before you start the preparation of any exam you need to get some basic idea about the exam so that you can head in the right direction. IAS is one of the most competitive exams of the country and if you wish you crack the exam you need to have an overview about it.
You cannot reach the treasure without following a definitive map similarly it is very difficult to crack any exam without following a well-tested guide. All the experience put into a guide saves your time and efforts from getting wasted by preventing you from making some of the most common mistakes.
In this post, we are going to present to you a definitive guide to preparing for IAS. So, here we go:
Table of Content
1. Understanding the Exam
If you don’t understand what the exam is like there is no way you can crack it so it is very important to
There are three basic things about the IAS exam that you need to understand thoroughly.
- IAS Examination Pattern
- IAS UPSC Examination Syllabus
- IAS Examination Eligibility
Only when you have the complete knowledge of these three factors, you should continue forward with the exam preparation.
2. The Value of time
Well, it is never too late to start your IAS exam preparation. Whether you are in school, college or even if you are graduated. You just have to start and once you decide to go for the exam, there is no looking back.
You need to understand the value of time and prepare a timetable so that you can cover the syllabus and still be left with an ample amount of time to revise whatever you have prepared.
Set daily and months goals and make sure you achieve them.
3. Reading Newspapers daily
Most candidates make this mistake of “NOT READING” the newspapers daily and just start doing it in the final days of preparation. What you need to understand here is the purpose of doing it.
You are not reading newspapers because it is a part of the syllabus or something but you are reading them so that you are well-versed with the current affairs of the country and you cannot get well-versed with all the current affairs of the country in a few weeks or months. You need to regularly read some newspapers so that you actually know what is happening around the world.
4. Never Ever Skip NCERTs
Another such mistake that most of the candidates make is skipping the basics of the NCERT books and jumping directly to the IAS reference books or the advanced study material. Getting your basics right is very very important and this can only be done if you have been through NCERT books thoroughly. So, never. I REPEAT! Never Skip NCERTs
5. Always Prepare Short Notes
Whatever you study, whether it is NCERT or any other study material, always make short notes of it. This comes in very handy because when you will start revising you will have to go through these short notes only and it will save A LOT of your time. You cannot just go through the entire syllabus again so just go through these short notes while revising.
6. Know the Right Material
When you are done with the NCERTs, don’t just start with any random study material you find. The study material should be organised and still contain all the important topics of the exam. You can always talk to your seniors about the right material but don’t just blindly follow anything, it can be one of the biggest blunders you could make.
7. Mock Tests
When you are done with 70-80% of your IAS exam syllabus, start taking mock tests. There are many free websites where you can take free mock tests online. Mock tests help you get prepared with the exam pattern and situations. Also, you will know where you are standing with your preparation.
Don’t wait until completing your full syllabus to start taking these mock tests, just start when you think you have prepared almost 70% of it. There is also a national level mock test series which candidates from all over the country will take and you can know where you stand. This is the exactly like the real exam where you get the ranks.
8. Prepare Previous Year Papers
Always prepare previous year papers thoroughly. Not only because you may find some similar type of questions but you will also understand what type of questions are asked and what should be your mindset to solve them. You can also track your preparation by trying to solve these and also finishing it on time.
Solving all the questions will mean nothing if you cannot do it on time, so try to solve these papers in the given time limit
9. Follow Competition Magazines
This is something that most IAS aspirants don’t do. Following magazines like CSR( Competition Success reviews) will give you enough data to understand the exams and its procedures more. You can read the interviews of your seniors who have cracked the exams and know what mistakes they did and what actually worked for them.
By following these people you will find many such tips which will be very helpful and you won’t find anything like that on any websites or books. These people are the real deal, they have cracked the exam and revealed how they did it.
So, this was our guide to prepare for IAS. These are the tried and tested methods penned down by experts. At the end of the day, no matter how many guides or tips you read, only your preparation will help you clear the exam.
If you have any doubts or queries, you can post them in the comment box below.